Valentine Breakfast For Two

As a waitress, I meet every kind of person, in every kind of situation. Valentine’s day, being one of the busiest days in the food service industry, is certainly no exception.

This year we were busier than ever and it’s hard sometimes when you’re that busy to give good personal service, but I had one couple in their 50’s come in, and as I greeted them, they asked about specials. I listed the specials and they asked for prices on each dish. When I’d answer, they’d give each other a knowing kind of look that I didn’t really understand at first. Eventually, as I stood there, she asked him, “well how much do we have?” and he answered that they had only $13.


She then looked up at me sheepishly and apologized, explaining that they’d lost their business late last year, and lost their home just last week. They’d spent the night on an air mattress on the floor of a cold warehouse that a friend owned. They’d had to give up all their furniture and everything. You could see on their faces that they were just emotionally beat up and weary. I told them to get whatever they wanted and I’d pay for it – my Valentine’s Day gift to this couple. I’ve never been so happy to see complete strangers get a full belly.

When they finished up, he tried to give me their last $13 and I refused to take it. Their bill was only $16, but the smile on their faces was priceless! I was happy just to give them a positive moment in the middle of their difficult times. – anon 🙂

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