Our kind parishioner

We recently had a call from a parishioner at church. He had seen that our name was in the bulletin, requesting prayers. He was so worried that he ended up calling us just to find out what was wrong! That touched me deeply! He is the first and only one from the church to do that (though other parishioners are kind). I explained a little of what was wrong, and he assured me we would be in his prayers. The next day he called and said he had spoken with his family and they wanted to give us a check!

I explained a little of what was wrong and he assured me we would be in his prayers. The next day he called and said he had spoken with his family and they wanted to give us a check! They have a lot on their plates too but still thought of us. Their gift ended up helping us have just enough to pay a crucial bill!

Another time we were due to have the electric shut off because of money troubles. The shut-off people were late coming around that day and it got to be evening. We were outside admiring a spectacular moonrise when two ladies from our church drove by! They were on their way to bible study or something but stopped to say hello. We asked for their prayers and explained the situation. In their kindness, they paid that bill for us and even gave us a bag of chips they had in their car! (Truly one of the yummiest bags! We were so grateful).

And few months ago, after mass, someone stopped our priest, and handed him some money that was meant for us (who were in a different part of the church)! They wanted to remain anonymous. What a surprise that was!! That was a pretty fair amount, but even those who have given literally just a few dollars have meant so much to us! (WOW! I could go on and on and on! as I type more memories are coming. not all are acts involving money either).

Because of these and many more wonderful people, and the hard times we’ve been through, we aim to help others going through similar things. We want to be the ones to bring happy tears to those crying tears of sadness or fright, bringing them hope when it seemed they could go no lower, bringing them some light! We also hope to do many kind deeds ly as some have done for us! – Susi 😀

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