My smile was enough
There are good people out there. After my 12 hour shift, I was driving home thinking about dinner (forgot my lunch) and I got a flat tire. I pulled off the freeway and had to stop in a turn only lane with my flashers on. I called AAA and they said they’d be 45 minutes!
A man drives by, stops, puts his car in reverse and drives backwards around the island and jumps out to help. With all the bad things going on these days, I didn’t really want help. I told him I called AAA but he promised he could do it in 10 minutes and then I could call and cancel. I told him thanks, but that I didn’t think I had a jack or a spare. He laughed and asked “how do you know?” I told him I had the car for 16 years and had never seen one. He laughed again, and I had to laugh at how silly I sounded too. He told me “how about we take a look, I’m safe”. By now I’m over my ‘stranger danger’ reaction so I open the trunk. He pulled out a shiny new jack that I had never seen and we both laughed. He talked, joked and even sang a song, all the while changing my tire. He did it in 9 minutes!
I offered to pay him but he said my smile was all he wanted! He thanked me for allowing him to help!!! Reminded me to cancel AAA so I wouldn’t be charged and waved good bye and was gone. Thank you, Mike.