Karma IS real!

I Try To Live With The Idea That Karma Is A Very Real Thing

I keep a good set of jumper cables in my car. I have used them many times to help others. Often watching coworkers, mechanically inclined men and all sorts of people just walk right by them and ignore someone’s obvious plight.

Recently, I came out of a store on a bitterly cold evening to find that I had left a light on and my car wouldn’t start. First time EVER that I needed a jump start. The woman parked in the space in front of me never paused, she walked up, asked if I had jumper cables, popped her hood and got me started right up. I was almost in tears, she was so kind about it. All of those times that I used my jumper cables to help someone else and when it was finally my turn to need help… BOOM, instantly there she was!

Many thanks to that kind-hearted woman! I have thought and thought about that. Maybe… Karma IS real! – Kathleen

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