A helping hand
I have felt the LOVE today.
The company I work for has been broken up and sold to 4 different companies and I have been stressed and worried about my job. As a mid-level Corporate Executive, my job is at great risk. I have been looking and have been blessed with one job offer and probably another job offer coming too.
I have been so blessed because my boss, who oversees 125 health care facilities, made the time this week to give me not one, but 2 AMAZING references to different companies that I have applied to (the recruiter told me they were amazing references).
Sometimes I become cynical because in my life and in my job, I spend a lot of time helping people and sometimes it seems as it is so rarely reciprocated.
Don’t get me wrong, I do things for people because I love it and get a sense of fulfillment from it. But…. this week that good Karma was reciprocated and I am so THANKFUL!
Remember, keep doing those GOOD WORKS for others because sometimes you just might need a helping hand from someone yourself! – Lynnette ❤