A lovely surprise
I was at the Post Office a few years ago, around Christmas, and there were so many people trying to send their packages and get their stamps. I got my numbered ticket from the machine and waited, looking at the displays. An older couple came in, and they looked so ill and tired. The lady had a walker and the man had thrown a coat over his sweat pants, and it seemed that, even though they didn’t feel well, they were determined to do their mailing for the season. I thought, how courageous you are, how inspiring….
The man took a ticket from the machine and looked at the number. His shoulders fell and he glared at the board on the wall, looking defeated as he gauged his failing energy against the long wait. My ticket happened to be the next one up and I walked over to the couple. I held out my ticket and said, “Would you like to trade tickets with me?” He looked at my ticket, and his eyes opened wide in surprise. He said roughly, “You’re kidding!!” I said, “No, I’m not kidding,” and nodded my head at the ticket between us. He smiled. His wife smiled. He took my ticket and I took his. I watched them leave, and a young woman walked over to me. She said, “I saw what you did.” I said, “What did you think?” She said, “I thought, I will do that next time”. I continue to smile. – Ty