An Anonymous Letter-Leaver
I have always believed in the joy of giving and that simple acts of compassion are the core of our humanity. I like the idea of spreading love and hope through random acts of kindness, it fills my heart with joy to be able to serve others and share small gifts with loved ones.
Sometimes small things that we do for others seem insignificant but can make such a positive difference. It can create a real impact in the lives of others.
I never expected that I would one day be the recipient of an act of kindness like this one that I received from a stranger recently.
I was at a church library and randomly picked a book to browse. I found a little folded note that reads “If you find this, it is meant for you. Yes, You!” signing off with a symbol of love.
As I opened the note, it reads:
“Courage is grace under pressure.” – Ernest Hemingway
Stay strong. You are beautiful. You are loved. You deserve to be happy. There is no one else like you.
With love from an anonymous letter-leaver. XOXO ”
With heartfelt appreciation, I thank God for receiving such uplifting and encouraging letter and said a prayer of blessings for the giver.
To the wonderful and beautiful ‘anonymous letter-leaver’ … If you ever read this post, I just want to tell you how delighted I am to receive your hand-written note. It made me feel inspired, encouraged and loved.
I hope you will continue to shine, sending out love and encouraging many hearts like you did mine.
I will also do my part, I will create a ripple of kindness and write some of my own encouraging and loving letters, and leave them in random places to inspire and encourage others.
May your journey in life be full of love, hope and blessings. You are BEAUTIFUL too.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this loving note and for being an inspiration!
With love from an appreciative letter receiver. – Regina 😛