Caring for her grandchildren

Never Get Tired Of Doing Little Things.
I was grocery shopping, wandering around the meat department trying to decide what my family would have for dinner that evening. Beside me was a very dignified, but elderly woman who had only a gallon of milk, a carton of eggs and she was looking at the hamburger. She was wringing her hands and trying to determine how she was going to feed her grandchildren that lived with her. I asked if she was okay and she said I cannot make my money stretch anymore and I got milk and eggs, but meat would be great. She started to walk away very dejected.

I looked over and picked up $20.00 of hamburger and gave her the money to purchase the meat outside of the other items. She grabbed me and started to hug me and cry. Then we were both crying and I just told her to enjoy and to take care of her family. She did not have enough money to come in and pay for herself but she took on the added family members because their mom was working three jobs and could not look after them. It made my day. – Sharon 😀

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