Inspiring Stories

The Teddy Stoddard Story – Read By Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Teddy Stoddard Story – Read by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Though this is a fictional story, The Teddy Stoddard Story (also known as the Teddy Stallard story) is one I believe every new and existing teacher should hear. I heard Dr. Wayne Dyer tell it many years ago and its powerful message touched me so deeply. When I recently met a young lady studying to be…


The White Envelope – A Christmas Tradition of Love and Kindness

It’s unclear whether this is a true story or not, but to be honest, I don’t really care. It’s a beautiful tradition that I hope many other families adopt after they read this inspirational story. Enjoy! “For the Man Who Hated Christmas” by Nancy W. Gavin Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

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An experimental program connecting the older and younger generation

A heartwarming experimental program offering hope!In May 2019, Australia’s first co-built educational and aged-care facility was opened in Morphett Vale, South Australia.The Montessori middle school has three classrooms to accommodate around 60 students on the grounds of Kalyra Woodcroft aged care facility in Adelaide. Continue Reading Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Teacher Creates Project So Students Can Touch Hearts
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Teacher Creates Project so Students Can Touch Hearts

This teacher started a project to show his students that everyone can have a positive impact on someone else’s life. He wanted them to see first-hand how their kindness could bring some hope to someone going through something tough.  As someone with a loved one who’s been through chemo for breast cancer, I know how…

The Mayonnaise Jar: A Valuable Lesson About Priorities And Happiness
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The Mayonnaise Jar: A Valuable Lesson About Priorities and Happiness

I’m not sure who originally told the mayonnaise jar story, but this powerful lesson has been replicated over the years and there are now quite a few versions to be found on the net. Regardless of its source or how it’s been changed, the mayonnaise jar story shares a valuable lesson for a happier life. This…

A Date With Mom

After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you.” The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who…