There are no coincidences in life!
On Saturday the 25th of Jan (2014), I was in the office asking the supervisor for a job and while waiting, I spotted I bible which I grabbed and flicked through. Drop off the barbecue request for tomorrow (Australia Day) to the kitchen at camp, the supervisor said, passing me a piece of paper.
So off I am, in the car and not even a hundred metres down the road, I spot this guy, appearing to me like he could do with a lift (it’s a little mining town and people walk all the time around on their day off, but he somehow looked different). So I slow down and sure enough he waves, I stop and he asked for a lift to a bank atm. No worries brother jump in I replied. He was super friendly, but not the smartest (not that I would judge him for it) telling me how he just arrived and got this job lined up for Tuesday.
At the atm he thanks me and asks for directions to a hotel. It’s on my way I answer, will drop you off. He was very quiet on the way there, so I asked what is bothering him?No money in this account until the end of the month and can’t access the other bank account with a card he said. Just transfer it over the Internet I said, and he replied that he never done it, plus his phone provider does not work in this remote area. So I tried to do it for him on my phone. Rang his bank for the account number which he didn’t know and all sorts. And as I press transfer, it ask to put in the sms net bank code, which was send to his phone (the one who isn’t working). By then, I’d wasted an hour and really had to move on as I was still working! So I flicked out my wallet and gave him the 70 dollars I had in there. Happy Australia Day mate!
No, he replied I can’t accept that, but I convinced him that he would do me a favour to take it. He wanted my number so he can get me the money back, which I left with him.
After finally dropping of the barbecue request, I stop in my room and filled a basket with instant noodles, cans of soft drink, ciders, sweets and whatever else I had lying around that I thought he would enjoy and dropped it off at his hotel room! The payment I got was the smile of a young child at the fair waiting in line for his favorite ride.
A guy at work called me an idiot for doing such, never see that coin again he laughed.
I don’t care if I get it back.
And then, 5 days later this guy rings me, apologizing heaps that he didn’t get the job and is hitchhiking the 1200 km back to where he’s from, but will transfer the money as soon as possible, thanking me again for my generosity.
I told him not to worry about it, just pay it forward to somebody who needs it. I’ve lent money to so called friends and never saw it again.
May the shadows of destiny be with him even at darkest night.
To protect him in the time of need.
One more thing, the bible, the last thing he said when I left was: God got a special place for people like you! Made me smirk, as I hadn’t touched a bible for 10 years and the day I do… not even 5 minutes later… – Peter