Every year, I try to make an extra special effort to contribute to the community in some way during World Kindness Week.

Having seen the hardships a family with an autistic child faces each
and every day, I knew I wasn’t able to do much to help with their daily challenges, but I could offer lots of carers a special day of pampering that was just for them.

As my sister was already a regular at Irabina Childhood Autism Services in Bayswater (Victoria, Australia), she suggested I call to ask if we could use their premises.

When I explained my plan, they were over the moon telling me that they’d had many requests for a pamper day in a recent survey and were more than happy to offer their buildings. We started brainstorming the types of things carers would appreciate and put our plan into action over the course of four months.

Article in Living Today, March 2014

We were absolutely overwhelmed by the 40+ people who came out of the woodwork to volunteer on the day or offer donations. Without them this day wouldn’t have been possible, so we thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.

Carer'S Pamper Day Flyer

We were able to provide over 65 carers a day that allows them to forget their troubles where they were the centre of attention for once and able to relax and have some fun. We had so many comments of how wonderful they felt, how important the day was to them and how they had been able to receive a haircut or the nails done, something they often couldn’t afford.

Here are a few of the photos from the day, but if you’d like to see more,
then please click HERE.


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