Kindness in schools around the world!

Being kind at school is super important because kindness makes it a nice place to learn and make friends. 

Lots of schools have students who are good at showing kindness. Some even have kindness clubs! Take a look at some of the things some schools have done and think if you might be able to do something similar at your school. 

Orange Butterfly

Students knit with love at Westwood Elementary and Zue Bales Intermediate - Texas, USA

“A clique (or two) a day keeps boredom at bay,” say the third graders in the Bales Knit Club. In its 15th year, the Club has seventy-plus knitters. The group meets bright and early on Tuesday mornings to add stitches to their bookmarks, scarves, blanket patches, or baby hats. Volunteers from the community and mentors from 4th & 5th grades assist by teaching the knit stitch, unknotting unruly yarn, and encouraging the students to keep on keepin’ on. One stitch at a time, rows turn in to finished products, bringing smiles to the knitters as well as to the recipients of this service-learning opportunity. 

The club has knitted thousands of baby hats which they took to local hospitals and sent to Columbia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, and Africa through Save the Children and missionaries. Their bookmarks and blankets go to local nursing home residents.

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Today, a community member was crossing Portage Avenue on her way to the school at the end of the day. She told me she heard a student say "there's only 15 seconds left - we don't have time to cross" and saw him put out his arms to keep everyone behind him from crossing. The kids waited behind him and safely crossed the street when the light turned. She was impressed that the student took it upon himself to look out for his friends and other students.
- from a teacher at George Waters Middle School

Students From The Kindness Club At Landolt Elementary School Standing In Front Of A Kindness Drinks Cart For Teachers.

Students at Landolt Elementary started a kindness club. Click the picture to see how to start one!

Blue Bird
Flowers With Grass

Kindness given by students are Waverley Meadows Primary School - Victoria, Australia

  • I took clothes over to an orphanage in the Philippines. I had been there before and visited the children. When I was there I noticed they needed clothes so I decided to ask friends and family and took them over the second time I visited. - Julian, Year 6
  • I helped my mum with the students at the Special School she works at. I helped at parties, reading books to them and pushing their wheelchairs around. I bought presents for them at their Birthdays, Easter and Christmas. - Chelsea, Year 6
  • We contacted the local retirement village and got permission to write letters to some of the residents there. We have received letters back and are working on developing a pen pal system with the year 2 class at school and the village. The residents were very thankful for the letters. - Madi, Year 6 and Georgia, Year 2
  • I helped my neighbour, Bailey, who has been sick and in hospital. We bought groceries for the family as they are finding it hard to purchase them while being at the hospital all the time. - Bailey, Year 4
Wm Kindness Board

A bulletin board displaying student's acts of kindness displayed at Waverley Meadows Primary School in Victoria, Australia


An amazing Peace Garden constructed by the school community at Zue Bales Intermediate - Texas, USA

Students in grades 3-5 at Bales Intermediate worked in partnership with the Kindness Team at Kids For Peace to create this Peace Garden, a serenity spot next to their Playful Hearts Playground where students can sit to get quiet, be mindful, and heal.

Every child was invited to paint an inspirational message of kindness and compassion onto a rock as a part of their Art class. Teachers did the same at a faculty meeting; families and community members were included at a special Saturday Paint for Peace gathering. Kids for Peace also added rocks from school families around the globe who donated to the 2017-2018 #KindCoins campaign for Hurricane Relief.

Kindness Rocks4
Kindness Rocks2
Kindness Rocks3
Kindness Rocks1
Kindness Rock Garden2
Kindness Rock Garden 1
Blue Bird

Kind ideas from students at Butler Elementary - Illinois, USA


Mow someone's lawn when they're at work. - Merissa


Straighten up the class library for your teacher. - Jimal


Make friends with the new kid at school. - Bryce


Pick up a book that someone drops. - Meghan


Help your mom with the groceries. - Gregory


Give your mom a hug. Take out the trash for your dad. - Alicia


Help your friends by taking out the trash. - Marcus

Anjelique is a fifth-grader who brought me this bag filled with origami Post Its, all with a beautiful message about kindness and joy tucked inside. She brought them with this request: To please send them to Puerto Rico to comfort the kids who went through hurricane Maria just after we went through hurricane Harvey.

Anjelique Origami

So ... I did. I have a friend at Colegio Radians in Puerto Rico and off they went in two separate envelopes to the US territory across the Gulf.

Angelique Note
Anjelique Heart
Anjelique Open Heart

A month or so later, Anjelique received Priority Mail from the island ... this note and some newly-folded origami for her, with love. Her kindness was appreciated and returned.
- Barbara Gruener, Counselor, Texas, USA

Kindness kids reported at their school 

  • I left a kindness card and a chocolate on my teacher's desk. - Zac, age 8, Australia
  • I complimented my teacher and left a kindness card for her to pass on. - Kyeta
  • Our school has started a kindness awareness program. We have jars in our classrooms that we can add notes sharing our acts of kindness. - Charlotte, age 9, Texas, USA
  • I helped the principal with cleaning up the school. - Lachie, age 9, Australia
    I helped my teachers take down the posters. I bought clothes for the poor. - Pabalo
  • I get my friend's jacket everyday at lunch when he leaves it on the basketball court. - Zac, age 8, Australia
  • I looked after a teacher's dog while she was teaching. - Ashleigh  
  • I lent my ball to someone at school. - Max 
  • I took a little girl who was hurt to the office. - Izabella
  • I walked a teacher up the stairs to cheer her up. - Fumni
  • I ran errands for my teacher. - Year 7 girl
  • I picked up my friend's lunchbox off the floor and put it back in his bag. - Zac, age 8, Australia
Magenta Lady Bird

Kindness reported by parents

  • My son had Spring Fair at school. When I arrived to share the day with him and his older brother, he was distraught. He was convinced that someone had taken the money he'd worked so hard to save for the day and had tears rolling down his face. As I took him in my arms to comfort him, his friend who was standing with us reached out and handed him $5. Don't worry, it's okay he said, you can have some of mine.
  • My six year old daughter just donated 10 inches of her hair to Locks of Love. Her older sister has done it twice already and she was very excited to follow in her footsteps.
  • My daughter Sabrina, a 7th grader had a sleep over this weekend. We (together) did several things to promote peace, friendship, and kindness. However, Sabrina stunned me, her friends and the workers in the mall where I took them after the sleep over. One girl Gwyna had only been in the mall a few times. She was excited by Build A Bear. We went on and shopped, but my daughter wanted to go back to Build A Bear. She insisted on Gwyna (age 13) getting her very FIRST and only Build A Bear. The girls put three hearts in the bear for the three of them and selected a BFF shirt for the bear to wear. My daughter paid with her own money. So awesome!!!!!!! Gwyna named her bear Snuggle Loves.
  • My family and I went out for a game of squash today. On the way home, we saw the cutest little girls manning a lemonade stand outside their house. A big sign said "FREE LEMONADE". My husband instinctively knew he had to stop the car and off I went with lollies and kids' kindness cards. I told the girls how beautiful their stand was and what a wonderful job they were doing showing people how easy it is to be kind. I explained about the ripple effect of their kindness and gave them some kindness cards to hand out with their free lemonade. I also told them how incredibly proud I was of them and what gorgeous people they are. Their smiles were priceless and you could see how proud their parents were sitting a little away but within a safe distance to help out if needed.
  • My son is 2 & 1/2. I took him for a haircut and when the lady across from us sneezed, he got off his chair, went over to her, put his hand on her back and said you ok? I almost fell out of my chair!  He already says bless you when I sneeze. – Renee 🙂

We'd love to hear what great things you've done to make your school a better place!

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