Affordable End of Year Gifts for Students That Reinforce Kindness

Do you buy or make end of year gifts for students?

The elementary school year finishes at different times throughout the world. But one thing that’s the same for teachers everywhere is the challenge of finding meaningful end of year gifts for students. 

You’ve helped your students develop academically but it’s the unique connections that they'll remember most. Contributing to their emotional growth and wellbeing is perhaps the most rewarding.

The last day of school can be emotional for both you and your students, especially if you’ve formed some special bonds. A meaningful parting gift can remind them of the important lessons you taught and the beautiful spirit of kindness you fostered in class.


Please note that the following suggestions include affiliate links to Amazon.

I have put together some fun educational gifts to keep students occupied during the summer break but also keep kindness front of mind while home with their family.

Here are some affordable end of year gifts centered around kindness and giving to reinforce the values you fostered throughout the year:

1. Kindness Journals

Kindness journals are a special gift that'll keep the kindness flowing long after students leave your classroom. Imagine what a beautiful keepsake their journal could become as they capture the beauty of kindness in all its forms.

Here's how to make it extra special:

  • Gift Your Kindness Journal: Start by presenting each student with a journal they can treasure as a token of your appreciation and a reminder of the wonderful year you've shared.
  • Introduce the Journal: Take a moment to explain the purpose of the journal. Share how this little book isn't just any journal; it's a magical space where they can document acts of kindness. Let them know that every page is waiting to be filled with stories of giving, receiving, and witnessing kindness in action.
  • Give Instructions: Ask students to reflect on your kindness lessons throughout the year. You might also like to include a list of gentle prompts to guide their writing. Ask questions like, "What was the kindest thing someone did for you today?", "How did being kind make you feel today?" or "How did you brighten someone else's day with your kindness?"
  • Explain the Benefits: Explain that writing in their journal prompts them to continue to show kindness. Being kind will help make their summer break more enjoyable as they will have more positive connections and less fights. Reflecting on their journal entries makes them feel proud and strong. Plus, it helps them learn what other people like so they can do more of it. 

2. Kindness Rocks 

A kindness rocks project is a lovely idea for students over the break. They'll feel like they're on a secret mission hiding their rocks in public places for others to find. 

Painted Kindness Rocks

Here's how to get them on board with your kindness rocks project:

  • Gift Them Some Supplies: Believe it or not, it can be tricky to find smooth, flat rocks that are suitable for painting. But they're inexpensive to buy from garden supply centers or on Amazonâ„¢. Start students off on this kindness project by giving them a few rocks each and maybe some markers or paint.
  • Print Off Some Samples: There are lots of examples of kindness rocks on the internet. Look on Pinterest and Etsy or do a Googleâ„¢ image search. Put 6-10 pictures on a page and print them off for inspiration. 
  • Kindness Quotes: Provide a list of short positive phrases students can write on their kindness rocks.
    • Be Kind
    • Throw Kindness Like Confetti
    • Kindness Matters
    • Kindness is Free
    • Spread Kindness
    • Be Positive
    • Choose Kindness
    • Spread Love
    • Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere
    • Be a Good Friend
  • Have Fun Hiding Them: When students have made their rocks, ask them to go out in the community with a grown-up to hide their gifts. They can visit the library, a park, or even leave some in a store. 
  • Extend the Challenge: You can get them to involve their family or write a note on the back of their rock to ask the person who found it to make one themselves. 
  • Explain the Benefits: Ask them to imagine how fun it would be to find a rock while they were out and about. This is the kind of excitement they're creating for others. 

3. Kindness Book 

There's really nothing quite as nice as a book. With a personal message inside, it becomes a gift that students keep for many years. 

A Little Spot of Kindness by Diane Alber is a well-loved favorite. This beautiful book is available in a mini version that's a perfect gift for your students. You can grab a pack of 30 books for a really great price. 

4. Kindness Bookmark Challenge

Teachers love these bookmarks. They're a huge hit in their classrooms but they're also a wonderful way to keep kindness alive during the break.

All you have to do is print a selection of the outlined bookmarks and explain the challenge. Allow about 6-8 for each student to hide or for multiple trips to the library.

Here's How the Challenge Works:

  • Explain the Challenge: Explain that your students will be joining kids all over the world on a fun kindness challenge. Ask them to imagine how many students could also be on this covert mission to hide their bookmarks at the same time as them. Talk about the countries that could be involved.
  • Color the Bookmarks: Ask them to take their bookmarks home and color with care them during the break. When they've finished coloring, they write a positive message for a stranger on the back. It could be a compliment, a note of encouragement, or a wish for them to have a great day.
  • The Mission: The fun part of sneaking off to the library to hide their bookmarks comes next. Your students will be eager to jump on board the kindness train knowing they're joining other kids all making a positive impact.

5. Kindness Fortune Teller

You can't get a more engaging and educational activity than fortune tellers or cootie catchers as they're often called. 

Kids love paper crafts and these fun old-fashioned kindness fortune tellers won't disappoint. This version of an old favorite is all about teaching kids to be kind in a hands-on way.

This is a fun activity for you to throw in your end of year gift pack. Just print out the templates and kindness ideas for a time-saving and economical gift. And the great thing about this one is you can use it in class with new students for years to come!

Why You Need to Include a Kindness Fortune Teller:

  • Kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fortune tellers or cootie catchers. Period!
  • A seriously engaging way to embed friendship skills and positive values.
  • The perfect back-to-school friendship activity for students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade to help them feel a sense of community and belonging.
  • A fun way to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day and World Kindness Day.
  • Spread kindness beyond the school gate as students take them home to use with their family and friends.
  • Boost positive thinking and positive self-talk to reduce anti-social behavior and bullying.
  • Practice reading and writing as kids select good deeds and add them to the designated spaces.
  • Improve fine motor skills and spatial awareness as students color their fortune teller.
  • Students learn to follow instructions as they add their good deeds and fold the paper into a game.
  • A great way to improve social skills as students play the game together.

â–º FREE Kindness Coloring Pages!

Free Kindness Coloring Pages For Kids To Color. Download Them For Random Acts Of Kindness Day. By Ripple Kindness Sel Activities.

6. Kindness Cards

Kindness cards can be impactful and make a meaningful end of year gift for students. They are tangible reminders of the power of kindness and the importance of spreading positivity in their daily lives.

Tell your students you’re gifting them some "Be Kind" cards because you believe they’re ready to take kindness to the next level. They'll feel important and like they're part of an exclusive club with their classmates and be reminded to practice empathy, gratitude, and compassion outside of your classroom.

Ways to get your students excited about kindness cards and how to use them:

  • Discuss How to Use: Create momentum around the cards by brainstorming ways to use them with your class. Involving them in this discussion gets them excited about using the cards and arms them with ideas for using them.
  • Display a Card: Students can leave a card somewhere they’ll often see it to remind them to show kindness each and every day.
  • Personal Challenge: Ask students to challenge themselves to do something nice for someone every day. They can write their act of kindness in a kindness journal.
  • Encourage More Kindness at Home: Sharing cards with family members can spark more kindness in the home. Encourage students to challenge their loved ones to do something nice and leave the card as a reminder for someone else to pay it forward.
  • Brighten Someone's Day: Students can leave kindness cards in unexpected places, such as on a friend's desk, in a library book, or in a lunchbox.

7. Kindness Stickers 

These are just the cutest. Students can stick them on their notebooks, water bottle, or even share them with friends to brighten their day. Each sticker is a reminder of the kindness they bring into the world, and every time they use one, they're making someone smile. 

8. Other End of Year Gifts to Reinforce Kindness

There are lots of other great kindness gift ideas to inspire positivity and joy beyond your classroom. These are terrific to add to a card or personalized bookmark. 

Have your made or seen inexpensive end of year gifts for students from teachers that help to reinforce your character building lessons? I'd love to add them to this post so please let me know!

A Whole Year of Engaging Kindness Activities

Myo Kindness Coloring Pages Copy It Cover

Students thrive when they build connections and what better way to encourage a positive community in your classroom than teaching them to be kind! Kindness is an essential character trait that will stay with and help them succeed throughout their lives.

Save $40

on this big value bundle
with a year's worth of SEL activities 

This comprehensive back-to-school kindness bundle is your ultimate toolkit for promoting confidence, caring, respect, and positive behavior in your classroom.

These fun activities and lessons reinforce essential character traits and create an inclusive, kind classroom culture.

Students enjoy exciting challenges where they feel like they're on a secret mission, work together to create beautiful bulletin boards, hone their writing skills, relax with coloring pages, reinforce concepts with posters, engage in exciting games, and so much more. 

This versatile back-to-school kindness bundle includes:

  • Kindness Activities Pack - includes family activities
  • Kindness Bingo - an exciting incentive game
  • Kindness Fortune Tellers - all kids love them!
  • Kindness Bookmarks - kids beg to participate in this challenge again!
  • Compliments Bookmarks - perfect to celebrate Compliments Day!
  • Kindness Coloring Pages - 6 sets for variety
    - original best seller set
    - with kindness quotes
    - growth mindset
    - positive kindness messages written by students
    - Kindness Day coloring
    - coloring and writing activity
  • Kindness Posters - important for visual learners
    - kindness is…
    - growth mindset
  • Kindness Checklist - so popular during Kindness Days
  • Kindness Day Challenge - with cards to collect
  • List Kindness Quilt - a beautiful collaborative bulletin board
  • Kindness Tree - a whole grade or school challenge
  • Kindness Bulletin Board - a collaborative coloring activity
  • Kindness Confetti Bulletin Board - much loved
  • Bucket Filler Bulletin Board - report acts of kindness
  • Kindness Tear Off Coupons - involve the family
  • Kindness Quotes Cards - great discussion starters
  • Kindness Acrostic Poem - printable and digital
  • Kindness Cash - finances and behavior management
  • 35-Piece Digital Kindness Jigsaw Puzzle - no more lost pieces!
  • Acts of Kindness Poster for Students - freebie
A Big Bundle Of Kindness Activities To Last The Whole Year. Includes Puzzles, Games, Bingo, Paper Fortune Teller, Kindness Coloring Pages, Posters, Kindness Quilt, Bulletin Boards, Kindness Craft, Kindness Cash For Classroom Management, Kindness Bookmarks And So Much More!

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