Even in such difficult times, kindness trumps!

I have two beautiful friends, who like many, are feeling the effects of the virus. Less work making life tricky and stressful, they are perhaps not in a position to be giving to others but that’s exactly what they did.
One of them arrived at my doorstep with a box of homemade chutney she often makes for my husband. We chatted for a while as we stayed our mandatory 1.5m apart catching up on family and friends.
As she left, she mentioned there was a card in the box so I didn’t miss it. I went inside and opened it. Inside she’d written the most beautiful words of support but there were also several hundred dollars. I was gobsmacked as I read what she’d written. She and her sister had raised this money before COVID and had it earmarked for the community. They could have easily used it to help their own families but in their minds, it was raised to help others and that’s what it was going to be used for. They wouldn’t take no for an answer and told me to use it however I needed to at our outreach program.
To say I was overwhelmed is an understatement. Their generosity had me sitting in gratitude for hours and feeling so thankful that I live in such a caring place. Even in such difficult times, kindness trumps! – Lis