Forever grateful for our friendship
Thirteen years ago, I was getting ready to celebrate my 21st birthday. I was excited as were my nursing home buddies at the local homes I volunteered at.
One dear lady, my friend Diana, started to sense that she might not live long enough to see it happen, so asked her son to go out and get me a gift. He picked up a card, which I believe she signed and a small box of chocolates. April 28 was the last day I saw her. We didn’t know it at the time, but she had around 48 hours left on this earth. Yet that day she wanted to make sure I was ok and remembered on my birthday.
She had no family beyond her son but became like an adopted grandma to us. A little earlier in the week she also gave me a bit of advice/caution about alcohol, should I choose to consume it (on my birthday or otherwise). I had no intention of drinking but it still meant so very much, and even does now.
One last thing about my sweet Diana: at random one day she told me that after her death she would visit me as a bluebird. I was a bit caught off guard but was appreciative of her kind thought. And now that she has passed, I am grateful we had that conversation because when I see one (live or drawn, etc.) it is a comfort and happy reminder!
I knew her for probably only a few months, but she made a real impact on me and I will forever be grateful for our friendship. – Susi