A fun way to grocery shop
I found a way to make grocery shopping fun.
Starting out, I decided to write a “love letter” to a stranger and leave it in the cereal aisle (joking with myself, I want to be a “cereal sparker”) … so I wrote the love letter. (Idea courtesy of www.moreloveletters.com).
When I arrived at the grocery store, I noticed the Girl Scouts were outside, and decided that on my way out, I’d buy two boxes – one for me and one for someone else.
Walking around the store, I bought some Special K, left the “love letter”, and headed into the soup aisle (every time I go grocery shopping I buy some groceries for a homeless gentleman I know and his dog). From there I headed into the pet food aisle for dog food to add to Jay and Guinness’s care package. I noticed that Fancy Feast dry cat food was BOGO (buy one, get one free). When my Kagan got very ill, he refused to eat anything other than snacks – and of course a cat can’t live on snacks alone. I decided to try to trick him into eating food by buying Fancy Feast and putting it into a snack food bag. It worked a treat and years after losing my Kagan, my cats still get “healthy” snacks. I had recently told a friend about this trick of mine and his cat also loves Fancy Feast – so I figured with it being on BOGO, I could afford to buy both of us a bag.
On the way out, I purposely went through the door I knew the Girl Scouts were at. The girls looked at me with big eyes and asked if I’d buy a box. I told them I’d buy two boxes if they did me a favor. They said they would, so I dug out a Random Acts of Kindness Card (RAOK) and told them I’d buy one box and take it home with me. I’d pay for the other box and they were to give it to a stranger along with the RAOK card and wish them a great day. The girls were thrilled. The boxes were $4.00 each. I gave them $10 and told them to keep the change.
When I walked away, the mom’s were looking stunned, the girls were laughing and deciding how they were going to approach the person they wanted to surprise with the free box, and I was giggling because, darn it, I had a good time thinking about how everyone was going to react when they got their surprises today. I wish I could be there to see it; but my imagination will work just fine.
In the end I did 6 Random Acts of Kindness on my little shopping trip – cant’ wait to grocery shop next week!
(1) Love Letter to whomever finds it
(2) People Food and Dog Food for a homeless gentleman
(3) Fancy Feast surprise for my friend’s cat
(4) Cookies for an unsuspecting recipient
(5) Gave the girls and their parents a big smile (and a $2.00 tip on top of buying 2 boxes of cookies)
(6) Sparking Myself! with a box of cookies and the feeling of making people smile!!
– DawnMarie 😛