Good things are already happening!

Anything Is PossibleWOW! I haven’t even begun this project, just planning with the smile stones and making them and already good things are happening to me. First a nice young man helped me with my garbage and shoveled the walk, whom I have never seen before.

I went to the vet on Thursday and she said “I just want you to know that I enjoy it when you come in, it’s such a pleasure. I don’t know why I want to tell you that but I feel like doing so. And I really enjoy taking care of your cats.”

Friday someone from my church called me up and said she had extra food that she couldn’t eat. She’s a diabetic and can only eat certain foods and “I thought of giving it to you if you would like it.” Sure I said!! It just so happens to be the type of food I would normally eat like beans and Quinoa.

Today it snowed, not much but enough you had to clean off your car but not enough where you had to shovel your car out. Anyway, I said good morning to a stranger as I started up my car, while I warmed it up I walked to the dumpster to get rid of my garbage, this man had cleaned the snow off my entire car.

And lastly, there are two woman in the neighborhood, they are elderly. One I have known for about 9 years the other about 6. We all live in the same apartment complex. Anyway, they both gave me hugs today saying that they wanted to hug me. One I was asking how she was doing because she was in a nursing home for a week after she fell and I went to her apartment to see how she was doing. So she was grateful, the other one I don’t know what her excuse was, I just hugged her back.

I have had good things happen to me. what makes this different is that it is a stranger, or someone who has known me for at least 14 years (my vet), and people I have known for the neighborhood or church, who all of a sudden, on a whim, felt like they needed to share a kind gesture with me, all in such a short period of time. Since I have joined the group and Pay It Forward group. – Cindy 🙂

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