Happy Christmas from McDonalds!

This happened over 20 years ago. My husband was in grad school and our son was 3. I was driving a couple of hours each way to work.
One night I saw a woman whose car was stopped on the side of the interstate with the hazards on. I stopped to see if there was anything I could do to help. She had been heading a few hours north of where we lived and her car broke down.
I told her I could give her a ride to my town at least. She called her husband and he said he’d meet us there. We visited along the way and I told her about our family and worrying about having a good Christmas for our son.
She got our address and said she’d help with my gas, even though I insisted that wasn’t necessary. The next week we got a Christmas card from her with $300 in it. It turned out she and her husband owned a lot of McDonalds franchises.
She didn’t put her return address on the envelope, so I had no way to contact her. – Brigitte