His tears broke my heart.

I was down to my last $20 in my purse at the end of the week just before Mother’s Day and my 8 year old reminded me she needed some money to get me a present from the schools Mothers Day stall.

I went back to the car and got my purse and when I got back to the classroom, a little boy was crying near the bag racks. I asked what was wrong and he said he had forgotten to get money from his mum, so I gave him some even though the teacher said “oh no, some parents can not afford it or do not believe in it!!” I said well if they can not afford it, I am happy to give it to him so he can get a treat for his mum, and if they do not believe that every Mother deserves a treat from their child… then it’s a gift from me, and the parents can talk to me about it!

The Mother text messaged me on Mother’s Day morning saying how lovely it was to see the look on her son’s face when he presented her with his present. She sent the money to school the next day to repay me with another thank you note!!

I was giving with no thought of return and it felt wonderful to bring a smile to a little boys face!! – Sharnn

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