I’m not sure how long angels stay around

This summer, when my husband Mike died suddenly, I was left in upstate NY with a pickup, travel trailer, and car. I managed to get to a campground near my sister’s place and spent the summer there.

With so much to do and so many decisions to make, I was not “rowing with both oars”, as you can imagine. I somehow lost my full set of keys. I grabbed Mike’s key and left, assuming I’d find my set in the camper later. I looked for days and finally replaced them.

When I left for NC in October, I had a packet of mail at my sister’s house. I opened it in PA, and found a letter from a woman in Saratoga Springs, NY. She had found my keys at a Northway exit. I called and identified, them and she sent them to NC, where I picked them up when I arrived. She had called the dealership in Fayetteville, NC where I bought my car, but they refused to give her information or contact me for her. My library card from Fayetteville was attached, and she was able to get my address from them. The mail was forwarded to my Florida address, then to my sister’s house. This woman had gone to a lot of trouble for a total stranger.

I sent her a thank you card and a gift card for Walmart. End of story, right? No. On New Year’s day I picked up my mail at the campground I was in and received a Christmas card from her. She had used the gift card I sent her, added some money of her own, and bought a child’s bike which she gave to Toys for Tots in honor of my husband! What a way to start the New Year.

I’ll try to look her up when I go back, but I’m not sure how long angels stay around. – Bobbi 😀

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