Love knows no boundaries
I work in a bank and today an elderly customer came in concerned because he was overdrawn in his checking account by $18.01. If he didn’t deposit that amount within an hour he would be charged a non-sufficient funds fee.
He did not have the money and it would be another 18 days before his next pension deposit. He said might be able to borrow some from family, but he had no other money for gas either. I explained to him the additional fees he may incur if he continued to be overdrawn on his account. All the while my heart was aching for him.
A customer sitting at a nearby empty desk overheard the conversation. She was rolling coins she had been saving so she could go on a short vacation. She motioned to me and I went over to her. She instructed me to withdraw $18.01 from her account and deposit it into the man’s account. I informed my elderly customer what this lady had offered and he had tears in his eyes as he thanked her.
Love knows no boundaries, no gender, no age, no skin color, love just is. – Suzanne ❤
Update from Suzanne…. The lady that gave the $18.01 came back today with a bag of groceries for the gentleman.