They made a kindergartner feel so special

A Small Act Of Kindness.
My daughter is a Mini level all star cheerleader with Green Bay Fusion All Star Cheerleading in Green Bay, WI. In the last week of February we had a competition in Madison. Part of the fun of her competitions is that we get to travel and of course stay in a hotel and swim. Well swim we did, until my daughter got out of the pool and got sick everywhere on the pool deck.

As a parent I was mortified and frozen in panic. I was traveling with myself and two daughters 6 & 9. We immediately retired to our room and quarantined ourselves. My daughter at just 6 years old was so embarrassed even though it was obviously out of her control.

The next morning we woke up and on our beautiful door signs that a bunch of mothers had helped make and a single rainbow loom ring/bracelet. No one had knocked on our door all evening, so it was a total surprise. This made my daughter feel so special!! It made me feel so much better as well. I then tried to track down the fellow athlete that committed such a small act, that had a HUGE impact on my entire family’s morning. I finally learned that it was two girls on the older junior team. As it is, my daughter already admires the older girls and watches them to learn all sorts of things and listens to everything they say as the gospel.

I learned that it was the daughter of her Coach Kristina, a wonderful woman! Her daughter named Chloe & her fellow teammate named Izzy (both middle schoolers who took the time to make a kindergartner feel so special). It’s not just the girls I am thankful for with such a lovely act of kindness with perfect timing, but admiration for the parents who have raised such wonderful empathetic, kind, and respectful athletes! (They also made them for the other athletes as well I learned)‬. – Ann 😀

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