My friend Jerry

I used to work in a manufacturing facility. The maintenance guy was an older single man who was known to be a grumpy ass. I’m a ray of sunshine that seeks to relieve the darkness. It took a few months before he’d even talk to me.
One day I took in a sack lunch. It was leftovers of some sort. It wasn’t going to get eaten at my house so it just made sense to share. Jerry was just thrilled to have a home-cooked meal. That was the day we became friends. We worked together and confounded co-workers for four more years as I continued to bring lunches for Jerry. Nobody seemed to understand why I would do such a thing and questioned my payoff, but I got such a kick out of the pure appreciation he gave and it made my heart happy that he enjoyed my efforts.
I don’t work there anymore but I still occasionally drop off a loaf of homemade banana bread for my friend Jerry! – Anon 😀