The nicest policeman.
A policeman pulled us over on the way home from the food pantry. My boyfriend had just lost his job and our plates had expired.
We pulled into the gas station to buy our kids a bottle of water to share and to eat their food pantry sandwiches with. We were hoping the officer didn’t run our plates, but he did, and pulled in front of our car and waited for my boyfriend to come out to give him a ticket.
We were so stressed (about to lose our house, etc.) that my boyfriend burst into tears and said; “oh come on, don’t do this to me right now man” and he explained our ordeal.
I just sat there gaunt and ill looking with my usual catatonic stare from all the stress. Not only did the officer cut him a break, he went to his trunk and pulled out 2 stuffed animals for the kids, a case of bottled water, and reached into his pocket to give my boyfriend the cash he had in it. He tried to refuse, but the officer insisted. He also insisted we keep quiet about what he’d just done because he could get in trouble. Yes, get in trouble! for what he had just done.
It was one of the nicest, most thoughtful things I have ever seen out of a cop. Brings tears to my eyes to this day. – Kelly 🙂
Beautiful. So glad that he had the courage to speak up and explain his situation. Take care and be well.