Paying the coffee forward.
At the Belizze airport, I paid for coffee for the gal behind me and told her it’s my Random Act of Kindness. I then suggested she do something nice the next day, and she said she would. Yay!! – Barbara
My boyfriend paid for the person behind him at Starbucks today. I’m so proud. – Heather
Bought a coffee and muffin today for a four-foot-something octogenarian pink angel after letting her go ahead of me in line. – Anon
I went through the drive thru for my morning coffee and paid for the coffee of the car behind me. I told the cashier what I wanted to do and handed him a Ripple Kindness Card to give to the person behind. He was perplexed to say the least. I left with a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. – Jo-anne