Why Use Ripple Kindness Cards?
Kindness is hands-down, one of the best natural medicines for a range of ailments. Research confirms that the feel-good emotions that are produced by acts of kindness are experienced by both the giver and receiver and if there are on-lookers, well they get a buzz out of it too! And that's not all, people who receive an act of kindness are much more likely to want to pay it forward, meaning that kindness is in fact contagious!
We created Ripple Kindness Cards to help widen each ripple of kindness. When a card is given with an act of kindness it's a tangible reminder for a good deed to be paid forward. In the moment, when someone is inspired by the positive emotions of receiving, they may have every intention of doing something nice for someone else but if the time isn't right, the kindness card can be found in their pocket or purse as a reminder to give an act of kindness in the future.
Just imagine the impact we could have if people consciously thought about spreading kindness to fill other people's buckets!

If you fill two buckets a day, and the owners of those buckets go on to fill two new buckets, more than a thousand buckets will have been filled at the end of 10 days. If each of those same people filled five buckets instead of two, more than 19 million buckets would be filled in just 10 days.

Adult Kindness Cards
Our adult kindness cards are great for reminding others of the gift they've received and how good it made them feel. Give a card when you do something kind for another or leave them with an anonymous act of kindness to encourage them to create a heart-warming moment for someone else.
Kid's Kindness Cards
Our adult kindness cards are great for reminding others of the gift they've received and how good it made them feel. Give a card when you do something kind for another or leave them with an anonymous act of kindness to encourage them to create a heart-warming moment for someone else.
Ideas for Using Kindness Cards
There are SO MANY ways you can use kindness cards. One of my favorite is purchasing a chocolate bar when I do my groceries and leaving it with a kindness card where you collect your bags so the person at the checkout discovers your gift after you're gone. I feel very sneaky and sometimes get to see their reaction from a distance which always gives me a buzz!
Here are some other ideas from people who had the older design of the cards.

Cupcakes given out by Little Steps to a Better World during Random Acts of Kindness Day in NZ 2014.

Cathie gave out her kindness cards to random people at Christmas.

A teacher left a coffee gift in the staffroom

Pam went to a hotel and gave flowers to a maid and the lady on reception.

Left kindness cards in random places for people to find.

Flick thinks her bus driver is wonderful, so wanted to share a little joy with him.

Bobbie left a kindness card in a wallet she found and returned.

My son fed a parking meter and left a kindness card for them to pay it forward.

Left with a scratch lotto ticket for whoever purchased the bucket.

Children's Kindness Cards are used in primary schools as part of our ongoing curriculum.

We left a surprise for someone picking up their mail.

Sara shared kindness cards when she was entertaining.

Camille left a scarf with a note wrapped around a pole for someone cold to use.

Bryony paid for a coffee for a man with no money in his wallet.

Left some popcorn and a kindness card for someone to enjoy with their movie.

Candy that was shared with kids on Valentine's Day.

Amanda gave a bunch of flowers to a lady randomly chosen at the supermarket.

Bryony left a chocolate for the cashier at the supermarket.

My husband gave a tip to a teenager and told him to pay it forward.