School Isn’t Just About Educating The Mind
George Waters Middle School recently installed a Little Free Library. The goals is to encourage students and people in the community to read more and to have access to reading material. The ideas is that people can take a book that interests them and they leave one behind that they have already enjoyed!
Students at Minnetonka School wrote messages throughout the grounds in a bid to reduce bullying through Kindness in Chalk Day.
The girl in this picture has visual, hearing and sensory impairments but her Year 3 friend wanted her to experience the beach during a recent school camp.
A message sent to a teacher by a student as part of George Waters Middle School‘s daily reflections.
These students at Avoca Primary School in Victoria, Australia organised an RSPCA cupcake event because they love animals. They raised over $300. A great effort considering it’s a school of just 96 students.
Found in the girls bathroom at George Waters Middle School, the principal thought is was a great example of “positive graffiti”.
Children at Westwood Bales participated in the “Santas for Our Soldiers” project which provided military personnel on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan with a box full of Christmas goodies. 80 boxes and over 800 personal notes were posted.
Have your kids started an awesome project at your school or have you come across some inspiring kindness from kids? We’d love to share it, so please submit here.