
Christmas Voucher

My friend’s husband became unemployed. They have six children. We were unemployed for 10 months so I know full well the pain and anxiety of it.  Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Our Holiday Tradition

Our assumption is that anyone shopping in Goodwill just before Christmas is in need. My sister and I went to Goodwill during the Holiday season and purchased gift certificates in $10 denominations. They still hand write them so we had time to share previously purchased gifts with the staff as we waited. Then we randomly…

It’s not your fault

So, I got pulled over this morning. I knew it was coming after all my plates expired in October. My addicted daughter had decided that the cash I had to pay the rent was hers so I had to scrape together what I could to pay. (I truly hate that my landlord insists on cash),…

Christmas Knock and Run

As a family, we have made it a bit of a tradition that at Christmas time we do a secret Santa with a little bit of a twist. Often it will be that we have heard of someone in the community that is going through a rough patch or hard time. Maybe they are currently…

The Greatest Inspiration

My husband and I took a giant leap of faith January 2014 and moved ourselves and our two boys from our hometown and everyone we knew (in Georgia) clear across the country to Utah. Within our year stay, (we recently returned home) we developed amazing friendships. Around Christmas time, we were struck with several unexpected…

The Christmas Stocking

Joanne and I had been childhood friends, went through school together and hung out with each other when ever possible. My family was full of drama and chaos. My dad was a alcoholic and there were many fights in our home when he came home drunk and broke. So I stayed away for as long…