
Image Of Elementary Students Arm In Arm With The Caption Friendship Day Activities Your Students Will Love. Includes A Quick And Easy Freebie.

International Friendship Day Activities & Freebie Your Students Will Love

International Friendship Day falls on July 30. It’s a chance to highlight the importance of supportive friendships through teamwork, cooperation, and empathy. It’s a must for teachers to mark on their calendar especially if they need to work on behavior management. Friendship Day is a great way to highlight the positive feelings that are enjoyed by…

Review Of The Picture Story Book Enemy Pie By Derek Munson

Enemy Pie Book Review & A Friendship Lesson

Need a friendship lesson for your grade? This Enemy Pie read aloud is perfect!!!!Title: Enemy PieAuthor: Derek MunsonIllustrator: Tara KingAge group: 4 – 10 yearsTheme: Friendship, Problem-Solving, Bullying, Judgement, Respect Get Enemy Pie read aloud HERE! Enemy Pie is a wonderful picture story book for young children who struggle with friendship issues or feelings of exclusion. It’s…

That’s what friendship is!

My daughter’s wedding was Saturday. I can’t even begin to write all the stories of kindness, but on the day of, I had so many things to do it was impossible. I had to pick up the cake, macarons, candles, baskets, all in different towns. I left early, drove out, got there, and didn’t have…

My dear friend…

My dear friend Kim had a cold/sinus, something going on a few months ago. It turns out that even though all we had done was text, I had it in a day or two. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

I will be eternally grateful

I became very, very sick 12 days after my son was born. I was in ICU for 2 weeks and in high dependency for the next 3. My friend knew how important it was to me that I breastfed him and that he received breastmilk. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

She made me feel welcome

It was my first day at the Christian high school that my brother and cousin had attended for a year and I was excited but very, very anxious. All of my public school years had been tolerable but I had never really felt at ease or made close friends. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook…

Christmas Voucher

My friend’s husband became unemployed. They have six children. We were unemployed for 10 months so I know full well the pain and anxiety of it.  Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

We’re all in this together

A friend of mine’s husband was suddenly hospitalized with a broken back, they too have a large family and she was being tested for cancer. Our community swooped in silently while they were out. Friends cleaned her house top to bottom; we took all of their washing; people did a roster for meals and child…

Great strength of character

My daughter (now 17) completely went against a whole class of girls in junior school that had fallen out with one girl. She would have been on her own if my daughter hadn’t remained friends with her, even though this girl had ganged up on her in the past. I thought it showed a great…