kindness stories

Quote: You Cannot Get Through A Single Day Without Having An Impact On The World Around You. What You Do Makes A Difference, And You Have To Decide What Kind Of Difference You Want To Make. - Jane Goodall

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

My family and I went out for a game of squash today. On the way home, we saw the cutest little girls manning a lemonade stand outside their house. A big sign said “FREE LEMONADE”. My husband instinctively knew he had to stop the car and off I went with lollies and kindness cards. I…

I Did Not Have A Bedroom

I did not have a bedroom

My grandmother lived with us, and we always had people living with us. Once my mom brought home a woman she worked with, her two kids and her 80-year-old mother. The husband had been beating them. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Stranded On The Highway

Stranded on the highway

My son had a nail in his tire repaired recently, it left him stranded on the highway today when the repair failed! A wonderful DOT vehicle in TN stopped, repaired his tire, and told him to have a nice day! Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

A kind shop manager

My hubby and I were shopping yesterday, and I was getting disheartened at how all the stores are selling the same muted coloured, flowing styles – none of which suit what I wanted. A kind shop manager asked me if I was looking for something specific and I said yes, gave her a bit of…

Tires ploy

Neighbors asked to borrow my truck. Told them I could not trust my truck because the tires were bad. Next day my neighbor called and said he was getting new tires for his suburban and I could have his old ones. Told me to just show up at this certain tire shop and they would…

Pump that kindness!

A girl in my sorority once ran across campus to bring me a battery for my insulin pump because I was in lab. Today she pulled out a handful of batteries and said she carries them around just in case I need one and it’s honestly the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. –…

A healing hug

I spread positivity wherever I go. I was speaking to a patient last week at a cancer fundraiser in the chemo ward and he asked if I worked at the hospital. I told him I am also having treatment. He said, “you look so well, and you are so happy!” Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit…

High school formal

I remember in my last year of high school. One of the popular boys asked the chubbiest, most unpopular girl (that sounds mean but we weren’t a bullying year level so she wasn’t bullied) to the formal in front of the whole class!!! Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share