
Review Of The Picture Story Book Enemy Pie By Derek Munson

Enemy Pie Book Review & A Friendship Lesson

Need a friendship lesson for your grade? This Enemy Pie read aloud is perfect!!!!Title: Enemy PieAuthor: Derek MunsonIllustrator: Tara KingAge group: 4 – 10 yearsTheme: Friendship, Problem-Solving, Bullying, Judgement, Respect Get Enemy Pie read aloud HERE! Enemy Pie is a wonderful picture story book for young children who struggle with friendship issues or feelings of exclusion. It’s…

None of us are perfect

I was at our local IGA supermarket and had just got in my car, went to start it and saw a mum with a maybe 6 month old on one hip, two bags of groceries in one hand, another bag in the other hand and a toddler struggling to let go of that hand in…

They Look For Me

In the span of about 20 minutes I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to see almost every student enter the building. Some are dropped off by their parents. Others ride their bikes to school. But most of our students take the bus to school each morning. I try to give as many students…