Ripple Kindness Project

My Ripple Kindness Project

I started following the Ripple facebook page back in 2013 when I first found I was in a very tough place in my life. I found the stories people shared, where doing and receiving kindness, incredibly uplifting and was inspired to participate. Living in a remote rural area, I was unsure of what I could…

Teaching kids what counts

In 2015 Pembroke Primary School embarked on a multidisciplinary journey, where students were encouraged to work with peers, teachers and local experts to solve real-world problems. The students discussed issues such as animal welfare, health and homelessness. It was the idea of homelessness that really struck an emotional cord with the students. Their overwhelming gratitude…

Ripple Inspired Me!

Awesome feeling today when I went to Asda (Walmart supermarket) and met a lady in a wheelchair scooter with her son. I took out half an hour to say hello and listen to their stories of the new baby in the family and how excited they all were to be sharing Christmas together. Facebook Twitter…

I like that stuff!

A few weeks after we launched Ripple Kindness Project’s Kindness Curriculum, I was approached by a year 5 boy who had been part of the audience at the special assembly held at his school. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share