Uplifting Kindness Bulletin Board Ideas for a Better Classroom Community
Want to improve friendships and student behavior? These kindness bulletin board ideas will help you build a culture of respect and inclusion!
A well-designed bulletin board is more than a classroom decoration. An eye-catching display can be a powerful tool to encourage good behavior and foster a positive and inclusive environment.
Bulletin boards are especially significant for visual learners. Up to 65% of elementary students fall into the category of people who absorb and retain more when information is presented visually.
When you create a kindness bulletin board, you're providing a visual that students repeatedly engage with. Seeing these positive affirmations regularly helps reinforce essential character traits and social skills. As students silently repeat the mantras, they gradually become part of their internal dialogue encouraging them to practice these values.
Creating a kindness bulletin board will enhance the aesthetic appeal of your classroom or hallway. But more importantly, your display can be crucial to building a growth mindset and promote a culture of kindness among your students.
Most of the bulletin boards below can be adapted for preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, or even high school and help to reinforce lessons about friendship and respect.
If you're specifically looking for a kindness tree, check out this post with almost 50 amazing bulletin boards!
Done for You Kindness Bulletin Board Kits
If you're looking to engage your whole school, my kindness tree bulletin board kit encourages students, teachers, parents, and even the principal to participate. Also, take a look at my other kits to make your bulletin board super simple.
Share Photos of Your Kindness Bulletin Board Ideas for Elementary Students!
If you have made a social-emotional bulletin board that turned out great, have SEL bulletin board ideas, or have seen one on the internet that's not included here, I'd love to see!!
Please email a link for unique bulletin board ideas you like or photos of your own with a short blurb about it along with the name, state, and country of your school.
Contribute your kindness bulletin board and your beautiful work could be added here to inspire other schools.
Unique Kindness Bulletin Board Ideas for Your Hallway
1. Be a Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud
Westwood Elementary GT Specialist Danyelle displayed this beautiful rainbow visual as a reminder to her school family to comfort and care for one another after Hurricane Harvey flooded her town.
This cute rainbow bulletin board was constructed by the Secret Agents of Kindness at Great Falls Elementary. These exceptional kids should be very proud of their awesome idea!
► FREE Kindness Coloring Pages!

2. Be the I in KIND

Wendy Hankins says their “Be the l in KIND!” is—by far—her favorite of the kindness bulletin boards created at her school. Her @KindKidsatKirk Club grabbed the idea from Twitter of course!
The bulletin board was created to remind students, staff, and anyone else who walks by that each one of us have the power to be the “Be the ‘l’ in KIND!”
In addition, to the bulletin board, footprints are taped on the floor for kids, staff & anyone who visits @KirkElementary to stand and “Be the l in KIND!” They have even taken pictures and given the photos to the person acting as the “I” as a permanent reminder!
@MrsHankinsClass encourages teachers to follow her and some of her colleagues @MrsOwingsClass and @StrongKristy on Twitter for more ideas to spread kindness!

Michelle Kissing is a 3rd grade teacher at Crab Orchard School in Marion, Illinois. Her students participated in a classroom kindness challenge from their local news station. The students got together and decided to make a bulletin board to put up in their school’s main hallway that would promote kindness.

They chose “Be The ‘I’ In Kind” and took photos of students standing in place of the letter I. They felt that this showed kids to take ownership of promoting kindness in their school. Even their superintendent stepped up to “BE The I”!
One of Michelle's students said she hopes that the board would “bring a smile to someone’s face and remind them to be nice and kind to everyone.“ Another student added, “and let that person’s act of kindness encourage others to do it too!“
► Grab the Kit to Make This Bulletin Board
This beautiful quilt was created by 4th grade students in Australia.
This collaborative kindness quilt bulletin board kit is an absolute favorite. It's a best seller because it's low-prep and students feel proud to see their artwork on display.
Everything's included in this ready-made set. The quilt squares can be printed to use as coloring pages or students can add their own positive messages in Google Slides™.
3. Take What You Need Bulletin Board
At Indian Lake High School students received "word wall" of encouragement from elementary kids. Educator Amber Shively created the "Take What You Need Give What You Can" wall outside of her classroom after seeing the idea on Pinterest.
She enlisted students from the elementary school to write something kind or funny on post it notes with teachers also adding their own words of wisdom. Amber encouraged students to take a note whenever they were feeling sad or lonely and invited them to add their own words of encouragement for someone else having a bad day.
The wall was part of a cross-campus effort to support and highlight positive behaviors from all students.
Another great example found on Pinterest.
4. Throw Kindness Like Confetti
When teachers or students at Nottingham Elementary saw someone being kind during kindness week, they would take a piece of "confetti" to write the good deed on and add it to the windows and walls. What resulted is a very colorful Throw Kindness Like Confetti display that reminded everyone of their school values.
5. Pick a Random Act of Kindness
This RAK board created by FACS teacher Caroline Friday at De Soto High School in Kansas allows anyone to take a card from an envelope and do the act of kindness listed on it.
After doing their good deed they are encouraged to take a picture of either their kindness or the board itself. “I tried to get people to post a picture, either of the card or the act of kindness itself, hopefully anonymously to keep the acts random,” Friday said.
A student who commented on the positive effect the board was having said “Every time I walk past the board, it reminds me that I’m not the only person who could be having a bad day and that I shouldn’t be obsessing over my own feelings but trying to improve someone else’s day instead.”
A similar board found on pinterest where students are encouraged to choose an act of kindness from one of the 25 envelopes on the board. They post a photo of their act of kindness in the space provided.
And one more great example from Euroamerican School of Monterrey.
6. Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
At Little Mrs. Preschool, Kimberly created a bucket filling bulletin board after sharing the book "Have You Filled A Bucket Today?: A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids" by Carol McCloud. Each child has their own bucket that they get to fill with a “warm fuzzy” when they are a bucket filler.
How Kimberly Encourages Bucket Filling in Her Classroom:
Two other fantastic examples of bucket filling bulletin boards. I love how Primary Graffiti has used plastic shoe hanger as an alternative to buckets.
7. How Do You Sprinkle Kindness?
Counselor Barbara Gruener is all about kindness and had this pretty sprinkle kindness bulletin board made where she added butterfly post-it notes with students' answers from a peace class she held. These were some of the things they said: keep your promises, read with someone, invite someone over, listen, play nicely, tell the truth, smile at someone.
8. Cool To Be Kind Bulletin Board
Another wonderful idea from Counselor Barbara Gruener.
The hat worn by each snowman invites students to be conscious of where/when they might show kindness to others - i.e. on the playground, in the classroom, in the hallways, and toward others. Buttons on each snowman offer suggestions as to how students might put kindness into action in these different scenarios. For example; On the playground, you can show kindness by inviting someone who is playing alone to come play with you or let someone go ahead of you on the slide, etc!
9. Things We Should Say More Often
How about this for an awesome idea! This kindness board from Distinctive Schools is a great reminder for students to think about others.
Schools in this district believe their students should be more considerate with their words and display examples of things that everyone can say more often. You can do it!! You are the best! Thank you. Good luck. You got this. How are you? Sorry!
10. Kindness Matters 24/7 - 365
I just can't get enough of the amazing creations from my counselling friend Barbara Gruener. She's such a huge inspiration as you can see by the multiple photos in this post.
Inspired by countdown calendars she'd sent home to parents in the past, Barbara decided to make a life size bulletin board to encourage kindness in her students. When a fourth grader passed by and pointed out that the daily numbers were missing, Barbara replied it was because kindness knows no calendar, she'd left them off on purpose.
Contribute your kindness bulletin board and your great work could be added here to inspire other schools.
11. 10 Ways to Get People to Like You
A fabulous idea for encouraging students to be their best selves from A Time to Share and Create.
12. Choose Kind
Mrs. Hopwood’s 7th grade literature class were inspired to create a bulletin board after reading Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Wanting to highlight the novel’s empowering message they decorated a bulletin board in a second floor hallway to remind their fellow students to “choose kind”. They filled it with original precepts (a challenge, goal, or rule to live by) and wrote positive words of encouragement to their peers.

This wonderful winter kindness bulletin board is bought to you by Saint Elizabeth Catholic School in Rockville, MD. where they "choose kind"!
13. A Seed of Kindness Can Go Farther Than You Think
Elementary school teacher, Erica Gerber created this wonderful bulletin board. "Long story short, my students need a constant reminder of how to treat one another. As a bonus, we had just finished learning about seed dispersal."
14. Calculate Kindness into Every Day
Snapped by my counsellor friend at St. John’s Lutheran School in Plymouth, Wisconsin.
15. Plant Seeds of Kindness Bulletin Board
The Multiple Disabilities Support Classroom at Central Bucks High School South participated in various pre-vocational and vocational activities. Students took part in school "jobs" such as washing, folding, and delivering laundry, adding paper to copy machines and dusting in the library, putting trays away in the cafeteria, and delivering mail to teachers in the school. They also worked on functional life skills such as cooking, daily living skills, and personal grooming skills as well as fine motor skills, social skills and communication, and gross motor skills during the school day.
Their students and staff always have a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts as they believe in the motto: "Positive thoughts attract positive results".
16. In a World Where You Can be Anything, BE KIND
After reading the book "Kindness Counts" by Bryan Smith, Becky from Dots -n- Spots asked her students to write their suggestions for acts of kindness on a form she'd printed. These were hung on the bulletin board she made and put on display so all students could see how hers planned to show more kindness to others. Becky revisited their goals at the end of the month to see who followed through and how it made them feel.
17. Kindness is Like Snow, it Beautifies Everything it Covers
I love this bulletin board created by students in the TOGS (Township of Ocean Growing Strong) program at Ocean Township High School. Several clubs at the school are participating in this initiative to promote kindness and positivity.
18. We Are Kind!

When Stratford National School in Dublin, Ireland celebrated their first kindness week they created lovely pictures depicting kindness and made a link chain for a whole school display. Their aim was to show that they are all connected together and that kindness makes the world a more beautiful place.
They also did lots of random acts of kindness amongst their classes, such as the senior classes inviting the junior classes to go to the park, and the junior classes asking whether the senior classes could have a night off homework or some extra yard time. Some classes sang songs for other classes and kindly gave stickers to each other. Some classes kept kindness diaries. We also got to 'walk a mile with a smile' with partners from different classes.
Focusing on kindness throughout this special week has inspired them to continue celebrating kindness each and every day.
19. Be Kind - Lend a Hand!
If you're looking for bulletin board ideas with handprints, this colorful poster is for you!
After reading the book "I Walk With Vanessa" by Kerascoet and poems from "Lend a Hand", the kindergarten children at Del Mar Pines School in San Diego, CA created a bulletin board to remind them that they can all Be Kind and Lend a Hand.
20. I See Kindness Everywhere!
Inspired by the mirrored walls that were popping up all over a Pinterest, Counselor Barbara Gruener found a way for her students at Bales Intermediate to reflect on kindness in their school family and beyond the school walls. Once the mirrors were up, students suggested the display could use something more, so they downloaded coloring sheets from the Ripple Kindness website to put the finishing touches on this heart-shaped display.
21. Tree of Respect
Contribute your kindness bulletin board and your great work could be added here to inspire other schools.
Kindness Bulletin Boards Submitted by Teachers
1. Kindness Tree

Billy Holloway made a kindness tree bulletin board at his school. He printed out leaves in the shape of hearts for students to add their acts of kindness.

"We just started school, so I put this together with a few things. I am going to start having the kids look for acts of kindness and add more throughout the year. I love this. It is so cute. Thank you so much." - KaeLene, School Support Specialist, Nevada
► Easy Printable Kindness Tree

This kindness tree bulletin board is an amazing collaborative activity that can bring the whole school together. Students, teachers, parents, and even the principal are invited to report acts of kindness to make the tree bloom to life!
2. We are Fluent in Kindness - Classroom Door

"We are having a door decorating contest for Connections class, but I don’t have one since I’m part-time. I didn’t want our door to be blank, so I asked my 8th-grade World Language students to write ways that they show kindness onto the different sized and colored hearts.
Their answers? Show empathy. Hugs. Smiles. Hold the door for someone. Encourage others. Cheer people up if they’re down. Show respect.
Not only are we learning to speak Spanish, but we are also becoming fluent in kindness!" - Barbara Gruener, Friendswood Junior High.
So there you have it! That's a lot of incredible ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Day or World Kindness Day. Won't you let me know if you happen to use one!
I love the throw kindness like confetti where the students are in black and white throwing their hands up. What did you use to make it look like they are throwing a shimmery dust? It is so beautiful! Thanks! Robin
Hi Robin,
That is a gorgeous bulletin board. I’m not sure what they have used to create that effect, but I wonder if a few different colored glitter pens would work just as well?
I’d love to see yours if you make one.
Enjoy your day,
Lis 😀