The kindness that goes around, usually comes around.

I was in a garden center on Thursday and I only buy plants from the markdown area, so it usually is a pain in the butt to get checked out, getting override on prices etc. Since I had over 20 plants, I kept letting others go in front of me because they only had 1 item. It was finally my turn and I asked if one plant could be marked down further because it was in really bad shape and the gal said she would have to call the manager. I decided to just get it anyway because there were a lot of people who got in line behind me. I had only wanted to pay $1.50 for the plant but never said anything. When she went to ring in the sale price on the one plant I had asked about she said she would do it for $1.50 because I had let so many go in front of me where most folks don’t care if it will take a long time to ring in the sale price on each plant. How cool was that? So I bought all my plants with tax for $21.21.

I don’t do good deeds for any reason but the fact I enjoy doing it and those who went in front all turned and thanked me. One was on his lunch break and another had an appointment to get to and the others just said thank you. – Kim 🙂

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