Treats for kitty.

CalantreatsforthekittyOur lovely neighbor Beverly, lost her cat Rocky a couple of months ago. She was devastated, especially because he was attacked by a wild animal in the night. We all loved him and he was so tolerant of our enthusiastic 4 year old son! I printed and framed one of the many photos I had of Rocky relaxing in our yard in the sunshine, to give to her. She was very tearful as my husband and I hugged her, it was obvious that she was very touched by this.

Just last week my son finally asked where Rocky was and was beyond inconsolable to hear that Rocky had come to the end of his life. It was a horrible evening for him with many tears shed by both of us. As if by some beautiful coincidence, the following day, Beverly adopted a new kitty called Daisy. To walk by Beverly’s door and see a new kitty cat mewing was such a lovely surprise for my son and we went out and bought cat treats as a gift. He was thrilled to give these to Beverly (Daisy is still a little nervous to say hi just yet) and was even more excited to come home to a little card from Daisy Kitty, thanking him for his kindness, complete with Daisy’s “paw of approval”. – Bryony

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