Give freely

Give Freely And Expect Nothing In Return

A few weeks ago a man came into to pay for his petrol and then said he wanted to pay for number 18 as well. This is not uncommon as sometimes families fill up at the same time.

As he walked out he said it was a pay it forward. The guy at number 18 came in and was blown away, he did not know this man, and his fuel was expensive. The guy I work with couldn’t understand why someone would be that generous.

Last week an elderly lady was $15 short on her shopping so I didn’t hesitate and gave her the money and briefly told her about the petrol incident. She was with a carer who said she would pay it forward. I went to work and told the guy I work with what had happened and what a buzz it is to P.I.F, let’s hope he understands it now. Give freely and expect nothing in return. Life is good and kind, full of love and beauty, it’s right there in front of us. – Gayle

I went to work and told the guy I work with what had happened and what a buzz it is to P.I.F. Let’s hope he understands it now. Give freely and expect nothing in return. Life is good and kind, full of love and beauty, it’s right there in front of us. – Gayle

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