Stories of Kindness

An Act Of Kindness Born From Loss Fills You With A Strange Mix Of Happy And Sad All At Once. Sad Because Someone’s Hurting But Happy Because They Chose To Share Their Gift Of Remembrance With You!

Happy and Sad

I went to pay for a cake for my son’s first birthday and it was free. The parents of a stillborn baby boy paid for a cake in honor of their son’s second birthday. His birthday would have been in September. They left a card explaining the situation. I cried sad tears for those parents…

School Fair Kindness

School fair kindness

Years ago, when my boys had a Fair at school, I went to share the fun of the day with them. When I got there, my youngest son was distraught. He was convinced that someone had taken the money he’d worked so hard to save for the day. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger…

He Left Empty-Handed

He left empty-handed

I had ridden my bike to the store for a few things. A young boy was in front of me at the register with toilet paper and a can of dog food. His mom had given him a card to use and it either wouldn’t go thru or was declined. After 3 tries, he left…

Quote: You Cannot Get Through A Single Day Without Having An Impact On The World Around You. What You Do Makes A Difference, And You Have To Decide What Kind Of Difference You Want To Make. - Jane Goodall

The Ripple Effect of Kindness

My family and I went out for a game of squash today. On the way home, we saw the cutest little girls manning a lemonade stand outside their house. A big sign said “FREE LEMONADE”. My husband instinctively knew he had to stop the car and off I went with lollies and kindness cards. I…

I Did Not Have A Bedroom

I did not have a bedroom

My grandmother lived with us, and we always had people living with us. Once my mom brought home a woman she worked with, her two kids and her 80-year-old mother. The husband had been beating them. Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Stranded On The Highway

Stranded on the highway

My son had a nail in his tire repaired recently, it left him stranded on the highway today when the repair failed! A wonderful DOT vehicle in TN stopped, repaired his tire, and told him to have a nice day! Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Not a big thing

This was by no means a big thing, but I can’t explain how much it made my day. It was about a year ago. I had a final for my hardest class (also the teacher was a huge douche, so that didn’t help). The final was a group presentation. It was unbelievably frustrating and took…

Giving makes me feel good

Giving is the one thing that makes me feel good. When I was a kid, we had a neighbor who didn’t have a car and rode his bike 12 miles every day collecting pop cans. Every winter Grandpa would throw together a box of Venison and leave it at the end of his driveway. Facebook…

A kind shop manager

My hubby and I were shopping yesterday, and I was getting disheartened at how all the stores are selling the same muted coloured, flowing styles – none of which suit what I wanted. A kind shop manager asked me if I was looking for something specific and I said yes, gave her a bit of…