Good things just keep happening!

It’s really weird, but good things keep happening to me.

It started off when I was 2 days late returning my DVD and the lovely lady behind the counter said “It’s on me. Have a beautiful day!” A few days later I found $100 laying on the ground. No one was around, so I reported it to the Police and they said no one had reported it missing so allowed me to keep it. Then I was in my wheel chair the other day and got stuck. A beautiful young man came up and helped me, and then got a few things for me and said he often helps his mum out and hopes when she goes out without him that others would help her aswell.

I then went away with my family over Easter and got some lunch and a coffee that was paid forward for the next customer, which was me. I was also given a lot of free beads when a lovely lady discovered that I made suncatchers. My neighbour bought in my bins for me and got my mail while I was in hospital (unexpectedly) before easter. When he brought them over he said he didn’t want people thinking that I wasn’t at home. – Flick

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