It may have saved my life!

Driving a 1700 mile trip home from the final arrangements for someone who was very close to me, I was at a restaurant/gas station to fill up on gas and coffee to continue home. I received a phone call from home and I just broke down and cried like a twit because my heart was breaking. When I arrived at the register to pay for my meal and gas, I was handed an envelope. In the envelope was just a note stating for me to have a safe trip home and that God heard my grief. Enclosed were two $100 bills and a receipt for my meal and gas.

I never knew who was so tender hearted and loving of a stranger in emotional pain, but I would like to share this story and offer my eternal thanks. They can never know that it may have saved my life because I was in a very dark and lonely place inside my head and heart at that moment and totally exhausted from not sleeping for many days….I hope they are reading this and know what a Godsend they were. – Sheryl ❤

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