Nourish Network

Launched on 15 July 2016, it’s been an exciting time as Nourish Network has found its feet and place in the local community.

20160722 105430 E1484948926411Nourish is a volunteer-based, holistic outreach program developed to help empower and support parents and guardians finding it difficult to provide for their families.

Working with local schools in the area (outer east of Melbourne), families are referred based on financial circumstances and emotional needs.

A member-only program, Nourish partners with SecondBite, Yarra Ranges Council and local businesses and organizations to provide a weekly allocation of fruit, vegetables, bread, eggs, non-perishable food, wellbeing resources, friendship, and support.

As well as providing nourishment for their bodies, we also aim to soothe heal their souls by providing a place for respite where people can connect with others in similar situations and enjoy a variety of activities and therapies when available.

We used 2016 as a pilot year with a small group to gain insight into the social, emotional and financial struggles our members face so we are better able to provide for their needs.

Fast-forward to 2019, we offer a warm, inviting, space for morning tea and connection. Parents can enjoy a cuppa and a chat or choose to join in our current craft project that gives back to the community. Members enter our food hall prior to leaving for the day to collect nutritious food for the week.

What we offer

We aim to be different to traditional relief services by using a more casual and holistic approach. We never want people to feel like they’re just a number in a system or are being shuffled out the door. We want to connect with them on a human level and understand their needs, not just financially, but emotionally as well.

  • Food relief
    Providing families with fruit, vegetables, bread, eggs, non-perishables and other essentials to relieve financial strain and increase nutritional intake.
    Secondbite-Van Volunteers
  • Healthy eating education (2017)
    Nutritional information and education sessions along with cooking demonstrations to encourage better health (when accessible).
    Nest Nest1
  • Craft sessions
    Our current project has members and volunteers hand-making gorgeous owl pillow pets. These are included in the backpacks for kids in foster care and donated to Anglicare Victoria. Our packs are filled with goodies to help nurture the souls of kids aged 4-8 and help them feel a little less alone during vulnerable times.

Owls Being Made

Owl Pillow Pets Made By Nourish Network

Backpacks For Anglicare

Backpacks For Anglicare 2

  • Social and emotional support
    Most of our families are single mothers, fathers or grandparents with custody of grandchildren who are in need of social and emotional support. Our aim is to create a community of givers who look out for and assist others.
  • Wellbeing
    Single parents on low incomes carry huge burdens of responsibility and often neglect their own wellbeing and emotional needs. We want to help replenish their soul to help them move forward by offering classes and sessions such as meditation, one on one counselling and a range of wellbeing classes.
    Yoga2 Yoga
  • Community Connection
    Handouts are never productive as a long-term solution, so families are asked to make a small financial contribution (of what they can afford), offer to teach a skill or provide a service to the wider community.Homeless Sleeping Mats

Market Day

Our monthly “market day” is a buzz of activity! After our usual morning tea and food collection, members are invited to make selections from a range of goods and services that have been donated by locals and businesses.

These may include:

  • Hand knitted scarves, beanies and gloves.
    Helen And Anne Marie E1484953819654
  • Pre-loved clothing, shoes and household goods.
  • Non-perishable food, cleaning products and personal hygiene items.
    Food Personal Hygiene
  • Massages and haircuts.
    Mandy Andrew
  • Someone is always available to “chat” with anyone in need of a little TLC.

Book Depository Link


Nourish is exceptionally lucky to be well supported by incredibly kind and giving individuals, organisations and local businesses.

Beyond our wildest dreams, Nourish has already become so much more than an outreach program. It’s a place where people who want to give back but have trouble finding something local, are able to in so many ways. Those with limited time can help by donating goods they no longer have a need for or knit a beanie while they’re watching TV. People who want to use their skills to make a difference are able to see where their efforts are most appreciated and experience the gratitude of those receiving. There are opportunities to get among the people or work quietly behind the scenes.

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Personally, I’m thrilled to have my parents working with me. It gives them an outing each week and makes them feel useful and needed. It’s also giving us as a family, an opportunity to create some wonderful memories.


Nourish partnered with Melba College (a local secondary school) for several years, giving students opportunities to help others and experience working in a space of giving.

Melba Gifts

As a group, we also have the opportunity to support a local community meal. Being able to access some of the food we have delivered, The People’s Pantry are now able to expand their fortnightly meal to include more people from our community.

How you can help

We’re looking to partner with a variety of organisations, businesses, and individuals who want to give back and can offer:

  • sessions teaching skills required for employment
  • activities that nurture the mind, body and spirit
  • hairdressing
  • therapies that help ease stress such as massage, yoga, etc.
  • pampering therapies that people on low incomes are rarely able to enjoy
  • new or preloved clothing
  • seconds or samples of commonly used items like shampoo, cleaning products, personal hygiene items, etc.
  • non-perishable food that would otherwise be thrown away
  • other commonly used items families would otherwise need to purchase

If you live in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne and would like to help in some way, we’d love to hear from you! Please email Lisa here.


There are no words to express the gratitude we have for the immense support Nourish has received as people learn about the program. We’re incredibly lucky to collect weekly donations of bread to add to our food hall from Baker’s Delight and Coles in Mooroolbark and the most delectable morning tea is provided by Langford’s Patisserie.

We are exceptionally grateful to the following businesses and organizations who have offered their assistance in a number of ways:

Yrc Ver Rgb                   Lions-Club-Logo                   Secondbite-Logo-Print-High-Quality                  Uca-Logo                       Total-Yoga-Logo

Bakers-Delight-Logo                Langfords-Patisserie                 Coles_Logo 


  1. A very huge thank you for your amazing generosity & kindness.
    So very much appreciated…

    1. RippleKindness says:

      It’s such a privilege to be able to do something that makes a difference to others Mel. The wonderful thing about Nourish is it also gives people who want to give back a place to volunteer without having to make a huge commitment. We are super fortunate to have some very generous partners who help us each and every week. – Lis 😄

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