kindness ideas

She was looking for something

I helped a lady find her car in the shopping center car park. She was walking around and I could see she was looking for something/someone so I asked her. “What are you looking for?” She says to me: “I have lost my car, I can’t find it. I thought it was around here somewhere.”…

I’d rather be swindled by someone that doesn’t need it than to pass by someone that does.

My daughter and I were pulling out of Walmart and saw a man with a sign asking for money. My daughter asked why I didn’t stop to help. I told her I didn’t have any cash. I started telling her about a 20/20 report I saw one time where a reporter followed a woman that was…

10 Reasons Teaching Kindness In Schools Is Powerful For Students

10 Reasons Teaching Kindness In Schools Is Powerful For Students

Teaching Kindness Changes the Classroom Community!Phrases like “random acts of kindness” and “pay it forward” have become popular terms in modern society. There are even special days dedicated to highlighting the importance of kindness and organizations who specialize in altruism. But why has it become so popular to teach kindness in schools? Perhaps that’s best explained…