No-one has ever done anything that nice

At The End Of The Day

46.59… That’s what the lady behind me owed at the grocery store today.

She tried her card and it wouldn’t work. I could see her getting more upset as I bagged the groceries I had just bought for myself. She was starting to try and decide what she would have to put back. There’s no possible way I could watch her put back her bread or milk and walk out of that store. I had to pay for those groceries.

She cried. She hugged me. I kept telling her it was no big deal. I was putting on a brave face when all I wanted to do was tell her that I wish there was more I could do for her. She met me in the parking lot, hugged me and said; “no one has ever done anything that nice for me in my life”.

As she walked to her car with her kids waiting inside, I started to sob. No-one has ever done anything that nice for her before? I couldn’t get over that comment. I kept telling myself that this is what anyone would do, but then it hit me… not everybody would. And it was a big deal to her.

There was no way I could pretend not to notice someone in need like the other five people in line had today.

We all have the choice to watch for opportunities of kindness and to act on them. I’m glad I got my chance today. – Anon

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