It never hurts to be nice!

I learned a long time ago, when any family member had to go to hospital for anything, to make a goody bag for the nurses. So having my dad in the hospital last week, I went and got some healthy snacks and some unhealthy snacks for both the night shift and day shift. 

I have done this since I was in my 20’s as I’ve been in the hospital a lot since I was born, so I have lots of experience and my mom used to take home grown canned pickles or something else she made. Any time I have been in I’ve had my hubby take things for my nurses. It is nice to thank them and usually you get a few perks too!

The other day, I was freezing and a very busy nurse came back with a warm blanket and a pillow. Never hurts to be nice and in hospital, you never know when your small token can make the day of a busy, frustrated, over worked nurse and make him or her smile! – Kim

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