It’s the little things that make them happy!

My son Jaden is 9 and loves trash cans, his sister Kiera and his cat Jacky. He has the biggest heart, always thinking about how he can help someone.
Jaden With Trash Can E1468617564152Each week, he waits at the curb or inside by the window during winter for the trash guy to come about 6am. Our driver knows Jaden because of an Autism Awareness Run he attends every year with our family and friends. We named our team “Jadens Trash Pack” and have a huge trash truck logo on our shirts.

Last week, three City of Albuquerque sanitation employees came to our home with a trash truck.They showed Jaden the truck and let him jump in. They talked about trash with him and answered all his questions. This was not our normal trash day.

Jaden-With-Rubbish-TruckToday our driver brought him his very own trash can and CABQ stickers. Jaden was so excited!

It’s just the small things that make them happy. – Michael 🙂






UPDATE: 16 July 2016
You guys did a story on my son and his trash truck driver. Well, today I got to go to a press conference for the employee because he got employee of the week! – Michael 🙂

From the city of Albuquerque website…

Albuquerque-Sanitary-WorkerToday, Mayor Richard J. Berry awarded Darrell (DJ) Laskowski for his exceptional and generous service to the citizens along his pickup route in his role as a Residential Collections Driver with the Solid Waste Management Department.

Laskowski is being recognized for his personable and kindhearted approach when interacting with residents along his route. Laskowski goes above and beyond his scope of duties with one of his customers in particular.

Michael Martinez and his eight-year-old son, Jaden, who was diagnosed with autism when he was younger, wait on the curb every Monday morning at 6:00 to see Laskowski and his truck, come through their neighborhood. Over time Laskowski forged a friendship with the father and son pair and began taking time to talk to Jaden about the interworking of the truck and even showing him around it. One morning Laskowski decided to surprise him with a small green trash can and a few City of Albuquerque stickers to make the boy’s day special. 

Laskowski’s ability to foster a positive relationship with families and residents in the community is a testament to his commitment to both Solid Waste Management and the City of Albuquerque. Through his compassionate actions, he was able to educate and inspire a young resident and do everything in his power to make an ordinary day special for him. It is for these reasons that DJ Laskowski was chosen as this week’s City of Albuquerque Employees of the Week.


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