Random acts of kindness generate others

What Is Important Is Not So Much How Long You Live As Whether You Live A Meaningful Life

Random acts of kindness generate others…

When the lockdown started I decided to do an act of kindness a week. To start I thought Iā€™d support small local florists, so in 5 weeks, l have bought flowers for my doctors, my pharmacy, Osteopathy clinic, my greengrocer, 2 young mums with active young kids, 2 friends in different places who were depressed, $20 to an elderly lady at the supermarket, a birthday hamper, and $750 from the government to a refugee support group.

I have felt so privileged to be in a ā€œsafe secureā€ place it was the least I could do. It was also fun and gave me something positive to do.

Now I was told by a friend that she purchased 10 coffees for the local police because of what I was doing. She is a pensioner. She was surprised with how good she felt about it. – Catriona Ferguson

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