My Smile Sharing Experience

Smile The Source Of Joy.
In the county where I was raised I never once saw anyone speak to a stranger, smile, wave, or say anything at all in passing. Then one day, I got this idea to do an experiment; to smile first and see what kind of effect it had on people.

Initially, I’d try to first make eye contact and, on the few occasions that actually happened, I’d at least acknowledge people with a smile (and thereafter, adding a “Hi”) in passing … and keep walking; just so as to not put strangers too much on an awkward defense. And no doubt, being timid as I was, my first smiles must have appeared half fake. Still, at least I tried and soon it became a little less difficult to get a real smile on my face; and a few people moved from ‘being weirded out about it’ and smiled back!

It wasn’t long before opportunities arose where I could actually do something nice; like chase down a wind blown scarf, or speak to a fussy child and help calm a situation. And soon, I started noticing others being nice, too! My heart began to glow just from the joy of knowing I had played a part in others’ kindnesses and I grew in the ability and know how to encourage others. And for many years now, I’ve been out and about in the community, which is great fun. Hubby and I make up jokes, be silly, and all sorts of things … enjoying the challenge of seeing how many faces we can light up; making their day just a little brighter.

But what was really neat was the Christmas my health had so plummeted that I could barely walk. In my feeble attempt at Christmas shopping, everything seemed above my reach and or beyond my strength. Finally, after looking around and seeing no one who could help, I looked up at an item again (in a store where customer service is almost null), then looked down and told God I didn’t know what to do, that I needed help. And as soon as I looked back up, there was a customer standing right beside me asking if he could get the item and put it in my cart. And, the help didn’t stop there.

That day, customers (throughout the store) loaded my cart and thereafter loaded it into my car, too; and not once had I asked anyone for help except God. Though my body was then quite weak, my heart overflowed with joy at the difference I had made in so many lives … and it all started with a smile.

Thirty years later and multiple occasions arose for me to be in that county again and, with each occurrence, the smiles and kindnesses were still throughout the community.

And so now, what I purpose is that we do this on a bigger scale; that each and every one of us play a part in helping to defuse society of it’s anger, of everything that isn’t kindness. And you don’t even have to be good at it. God equips the called.

Please join me in Sharing Smiles! – Joyce  😛

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