They gave their precious tickets to me!
I was furious! I wanted more than anything to go, had my outfit ready, knew every word to every song, was ecstatic when I thought we were going and crushed when I wasn’t.
Needless to say that was nearly 28 years ago and I’ve never had an opportunity to see Madonna in concert.
A few months back she was coming to Seattle on tour and everyone I know had tickets but me. I made some little remark on Facebook about how I still hadn’t forgiven my Mom for changing her mind, and few hours later I received a message from a girl I went to highschool with (and hadn’t seen but once since) asking me to please call her right away.
When I called she asked if I could make it to the Madonna concert that evening because she wanted to give me her tickets! Her and her best friend wanted me and one of my friends to have the tickets and make peace with my Mom.
They had spent a couple hundred dollars on the tickets and just handed them over so that we could fulfill our bucket list of seeing Madonna in concert.
I still can’t believe how generous they were. My best friend from childhood went with me and we had an absolutely fantastic time…..and I made sure to forgive my mother. – Deanna 😉