This girl deserves cupcakes
While looking at Craigslist, I noticed an ad that stated a family was in need of food. It said they had 2 boxes of cereal and a jar of peanut butter for 4 people to last them 2 weeks. No bread, no milk, no jelly, just what was mentioned.
I contacted the person in the ad and found it was placed by a 16 year old girl. This young lady went to school every day, then went to work right after. Her mother and father were both disabled. Her bother was in school. It took the three of them just to make ends meet. There had been a problem requalifying for food stamps and they were in a holding pattern.
Now I don’t have much in this world and probably aren’t in much better shape than they are. However, my mother always said, God rest her soul, no matter what you have in this world…. let there always be food on your table for another.
I spoke to this girls mother and she verified the story. She told me that no one else had contacted them, so I went out and bought them two weeks worth of groceries plus 6 cupcakes.
When I went to deliver the food, this young lady was not at home. She was working. I told her mom the cupcakes were for her. Any 16 year old who was forced to place an ad like that to help her family deserved a treat.
About three hours later I received a thank you call from this young lady. Especially for the cupcakes… seems she has a sweet tooth. I just asked that some day if the opportunity ever presented itself, she remembered that someone helped her family in their time of need and that she pay it forward. We all need to look out for our neighbors. Even those we have yet to meet. – Cynthia 😀