I try to emulate this strangers kindness
Years ago, when I was really unwell, both physically and mentally, but especially the latter, I was on time for my bus, but it was early.
I started to run for it. At 300+ lbs at the time and having hands full with art case and knap sack, and a knee that I had blown the cartilage, had the operation but never healed yet, I missed it. I’m sure ‘he’ (the loving, kind bus driver saw me running because I saw the other ‘bus’ people looking back at me) and I collapsed in a pile of screaming tears when I got back to the stop. I felt a hand on me and there was a woman crouching next to me. She was consoling me as best she could, but there was nothing more she could do so she just stayed with me.Â
I have this thing that, when I’m really angry or upset, I can’t look at people, so I vaguely remember what she looked like but never really saw her. I wish I had the presence of mind to thank her and have thought of putting an ad in our local paper, but it was about 12 years ago now, so I just send her love.
I am better than ever before, despite other ‘awful’ experiences that I have occurred since. I am grateful for people like her and try to emulate her kind act as I see others in need. – Rayne 😀