
Use Community Circles To Build Friendships And Improve Wellbeing And The Classroom Culture.

Easy Ideas for Community Circles for Better Student Connections

Inside: Tips and tricks for using community circles or morning meetings to help students connect, improve wellbeing, and foster a positive and supportive classroom community. Updated 11/27/24 The magic of community circles or morning meetings in the classroom lies in their ability to transform relationships and create a safe, nurturing environment. These simple yet powerful…

May I give you a hug?

I substituted in first grade today. I taught it the first two years of my 35 year teaching career and realized I was an older kid teacher. But I go where I must these days. There was one li’l boy who was ferocious and obstinate. I called on every strategy I knew from being a…

Beautiful new shoes

Today I heard a beautiful story about students showing pure kindness towards a peer with disabilities and I believe that sharing it will bring as much joy to you as it did to me. There was a student at a high school level who was not only having a rough home life but also had autism….

Image Of A Sad Child With The Caption &Quot;Teach Kindness And Empathy To Reduce Bullying At School And Online.&Quot; This Is Attached To A Post About Teaching Empathy To Reduce Bullying At School.

Teaching Empathy Helps Stop Bullying Online and at School

Inside: Facts about bullying and how teaching empathy is critical to reduce it. Also, how social media can be used to improve connections and wellbeing with #niceitforward campaigns. In today’s school environment, bullying remains a significant issue that affects students’ wellbeing and sense of security. While traditional approaches focus on discipline, teaching empathy and kindness…

The Watermelon Shield Picture Story Book For Children Who Need To Protect Themselves From Bullying.

The Watermelon Shield – Book Review & Author’s Reflections

Book Title:  The Watermelon ShieldAuthors:  Rose McCallum (she/her) and Finn McCallum (they/them)Illustrator:  mikemotz.comFor ages:  6-10 years (a good read for all ages)Topics:  bullying, kindness, compassion, empathy, character development, juvenile self-helpRelated learning areas:  social and emotional learning (SEL), well-being/self-confidence, communication/healthy boundaries Continue Reading Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Reddit Facebook Messenger Email Share

Seven Children Lying Together On The Ground With Text Next To Image Saying Tracking Student Relationships To Improve Well-Being And Reduce Bullying.

Tracking Relationships Between Students to Prevent Bullying & Improve Wellbeing

How important are relationships in education? Rita Pierson, in her classic TEDTalk, says “Kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” I thoroughly agree and I would like it mandated that every teacher watches her talk every year! I want to expand her sentiment to include student to student relationships. Continue Reading Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn…